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In-Game Info

Class: Elemental
Level: 59
Username: Rykar
Character ID: 20857
Proud member of The Heroes' Council

Merit Badges


I spade, infrequently.

Message me for free items, provided I feel like it and you have a reason for wanting it.

RP Channel

The RP channel is dead to the world, as far as I know.
I'm usually on there with Stryker, C-Gon, and JazzTap. If I'm not asleep on my AMiSL (Air Matress in Stryker's Lair), I'll be hanging out on my ship, the Malkus. 120 feet long, with luxury cabins (one owned by Stryker), powered by an Annie-plant (Don't ask), and accessible by jetski and speedboat (complementary, for a limited time only). Still consists of over 40% uncertainty.

What I'm Doing/Have Been Doing

Grinding in the Ancient Crypts to get to level 70.
Also searching for a Shimmering Chaos.
Hunting the Best Memory Ever in the Cube.
Currently searching for the corrupt amulet at the rooftops.
Hunting that damn pegasus.
Mass-producing Jetpacks. Currently on hold while I search for Rares and Ultrarares.
Farming baseball bats for the badge. Grinding max HP.