You Need What Now?

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Out of the murk swims what appears to be a very large goldfish. You ready yourself for combat, but it approaches in a slow and non-aggressive fashion. Then it nearly shocks you into choking on water by opening its mouth and saying, "Excuse me old chap, but have you seen my bicycle anywhere?"

"What?!" you sputter, coughing.

"My bicycle. I seem to have misplaced it, and I need it ever so badly. It's making me very distraught." The fish does, indeed, sound upset. For a fish--a fish with the voice of a proper English gentleman.

It continues, "You see, my bicycle was stolen by the one they call Perch Boy, who is a servant of the foe you seek. No, do not be surprised. It is widely known among the fish-folk that you desire to overthrow the tyrant we know as the Troutmaster. He has enslaved many of our kind, and we would gladly see him undone. If you could see your way to finding my bicycle, I would be most grateful to have it returned. In exchange I would gladly give you a great reward with which you could fight the Troutmaster."

You say, "Sure, I'd be happy to keep an eye out for your bike. But, uh, what, exactly, do you do with a bicycle?"

The fish rolls its eyes and lets out a long, exasperated sigh. "Really! I must say, if you don't know already then you're not likely to understand. Ta!" With that the fish swims back the way it came.



  • Part of the Go Fish quest.
  • One-time adventure.
  • Enables fighting Perch Boy.
  • The actual name of the adventure is "You Need What Now?"


  • A reference to the well-known phrase attributed to Irina Dunn: "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."