ZOM-C bather

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ZOM-C bather

You are fighting a ZOM-C bather.

Apparently even cyborgs need to bathe. You're not sure if they need those old-timey suits, though.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • He adds some more bath salts to the pool. You feel... let's say exfoliated. (acid) damage
  • He tosses you a bath bomb. Apparently, bathers here take their bombs very seriously. damage + (fire) damage
  • He puts up his dukes and gives you the old one-two. The "two" really hurts, though, on account of the shiny new arm.

He hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! He hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • He adds some more bath salts, but they don't seem to do much compared to the chlorine that's already here.
  • He tosses you a bath bomb. It fizzes past you, making your skin super smooth.
You carefully add super smooth skin to your growing list of powers.
  • He puts up his dukes, but it turns out they're more like earls.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! He takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 150 experience.

You got an item: corked hose Corkedhose.gif (29.1 ± 2.4%)
You got an item: water wheel pulley Waterwheel.gif (30 ± 2.5%)
You got an item: toy boat Toyboat.gif (10.2 ± 1.6%)
You got an item: rubber ducky Rubberducky.gif (30 ± 2.5%)

Known resistances/weaknesses

Immune to acid damage.
50% resistant to fire damage.
50% weak to electric damage.



  • If you don't have underwater gear, the foe always hits, with the following line preceding the attack message:
... it's hard to dodge underwater when you can't breathe underwater...
  • If you don't have underwater gear, there'll be a special damage starting on the 2nd round, which will increase until the end of the fight
Chlorinated water pours into your lungs for X damage from suffocation and X (acid) damage from that horrible chlorine sting. If only you could breathe underwater.
  • As an Elemental with no underwater gear, the message is instead
The water deals you X (acid) damage from that horrible chlorine sting. Unfortunately, chlorine isn't an element. I mean, it is, just not the good kind you can control.