University Heights

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Things are mostly quiet around here, but there's one loud and disruptive gathering of students at a retro rave, and there's also an unruly group of students fighting with each other in old-fashioned clothes and using olden weapons. What do you want to do?


Campus: Investigate a Protest

(only available during the Protests Aren't for Amateurs quest)

Campus: Investigate a Retro Rave

(not available during the Protests Aren't for Amateurs quest)

Guild for Imaginative Metachronism

Take the Portal to the Space Station

(A Mysterious Ruin needs to be unlocked to access the The Space Station)


JitterSpout Coffee

Lieutenant A.E.P. Bazooko's Military Surplus

Talk with Susan Novak

Robotics Club

(for those with appropriate Reputations)


Before completing the Protests Aren't for Amateurs quest, the area text reads:

"Poor conditions in town have led to political unrest, which seems to naturally center around the university. Nearly every night there's one or more student-led protests, some of which have unfortunately been turning into riots. There's also an unruly group of students fighting with each other in old-fashioned clothes and using olden weapons. What do you want to do?"


Somerset Square

University Heights

Seedy Casinos


Downtown Twilight

Heavy Industry District

Out in the Desert

(Jekyll and) Hyde Park

Up in the Mountains