User talk:Darkzumi

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Revision as of 01:32, 25 November 2008 by Darkzumi (talk | contribs)

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Hey everybody! I am Darkzumi, my character in Twilight Heroes is also named Darkzumi and is a level 37 Gadgeteer. My favorite XP/chip farming area is in the Cube Theatre. I use the Stealth skill and the Sneakiers boots to increase the odds of getting the noncombat adventure Intermission, and picking exit stage center to get 300 XP a go. My favorite gun is... THE RAIL GUN!!!! Mwuhahahaha!!!! Anyways, not much else to talk about. I recently added the "when used" description for the SQUID disc: The Best Memory. My friend, Meefman (Character ID #19311), got one today and used it, then gave me a copy of the description text of what happens when you use it. Got to go, later everyone! Gadgeteer.gif