Or Maybe It's "The Scream"

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Revision as of 06:32, 12 October 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (ref)

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You arrive at a used car lot. At first you don't see anything other than cars but after a minute's inspection you come to the conclusion that you've arrived too late. It's apparently been a windy, dusty night. On car after car, written onto the grimy windshields, are phrases like "wash me" and "I need a bath" and "plant some corn on me" along with some other silliness: smiley faces, frowny faces, and one overly ambitious attempt at an imitation of Van Gogh's "Starry Night."

It's not really clear whether this should count as vandalism proper, but you radio the results back to Phil.

If this is your 1st or 2nd adventure of the day:

Phil thanks you for your help and allocates a credit to your account. He says he'll keep adjusting the equipment, and call as soon as he detects another impending incident.

You got an item: crimebusters IOU Iou.gif

If this is your 3rd adventure of the day:

Phil thanks you for your help and allocates a credit to your account. He says he's done for the night, but to check back in tomorrow if you want to keep helping.

You got an item: crimebusters IOU Iou.gif


