Chat (manual)
Chat is still limited, but it's got an ever-growing functionality. Here's the basic stuff you can do:
/? or /help Pull up a list of common commands. /c [channel] or /channel [channel] Go to another channel. /channels See which channels are available to you. Normal, Help, Trade, Games, and Roleplay are open to everyone from the start. The names of the channels should give a very good indication of what their purposes are, with Normal being a catchall for anything not in the others. No spoilers will be allowed in Help. All other channels will stand by the 48-hour rule (no spoilers for anything discovered in the last 48 hours, unless it's clearly open to the public, like items in stores.) Most channels have shortcut codes: N for Normal, ? for Help, $ or T for trade, G for games, RP for Roleplay. (We're saving R for something else, so no complaining.) /l [channel] or /listen [channel] Listen to another channel. To stop listening, type the command a second time. /s [channel] or /switch [channel] Switch to another channel, but still listen to your current channel. #[channel] [message] or `[channel] [message] Speak into a channel that you're listening to but aren't in currently. You cannot speak into a channel that you're not listening to. Example: you're in channel normal, and listening to help. You could use this to say something in the Help channel. /who List who is in the channel. /whois [player] Look up information about a player, by ID or by name. /em [message] Puts a message in italics. Is short for "emote" and is generally used to imply actions without speaking. Be like the mime, not like the chattering monkey. /pm [player] [message] or /msg [player] [message] or /w [player] [message] Send a private message to another player. You can send it to the player's ID or name (with underscores instead of spaces). /r [message] "Repeat" of sorts - sends a pm to the last person you sent one to, without having to type their name or ID. Does not remember this once chat is closed. This does not send a pm to the person who last sent you one -- despite that being a popular request, it's too easy for someone to cause a misfire using that method. /cls Clear the chat screen of all messages. /taglen Stands for tag length. Toggles between short and longer versions of channel tags. (Example: will display [N] instead of [Normal] or [?] for [Help]. /exit Leave chat. /time Print out the time as the game's server knows it. May be useful for people who aren't on US Mountain time, who want to figure out when things happen. |
- Other commands include:
- /day - displays the current Twilight day.
- /spoon - displays a randomly generated Spoonerism.
- /card - draws a random card.