Joiner's Club and Furrier's Den

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Revision as of 04:47, 8 July 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (verified message for oaken bench, still don't see any benefit)

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Rakes-trowel.gif This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
Effects of chairs

Located in the Bayside

You're welcomed into the workshop and lodge of the joiners and furriers. There's much raucous carousing, but as someone who is neither a joiner nor a furrier (and who has crime to fight) you know you can't stay. Still, your eye is drawn to the center of the room, where three massive chairs sit. On the left is a sturdy oaken bench, on the right is a comfy plush recliner, and in the center, on another raised platform, is an enormous throne coated in fur. Each chair has a plaque at its base, with a label and a name.

The Mink Seat of Justice
Plush Recliner of Wisdom
Oaken Bench of Might

A representative of the guilds informs you that as a fundraiser they have a weekly raffle for each of the chairs. The top three winners each get a seat, and get to keep it from Moonday through the next weekend. Each seat is reportedly exceptionally comfortable and great for sitting in. On top of that, the Mink Seat of Justice is so revered, all who possess the seat are recorded for posterior--er, posterity--and those who have had it the most are given the most acclaim.

Raffle tickets are 10 chips apiece. So far you have purchased {X}


  • When you buy tickets:

A joiner--or perhaps it's a furrier, how does one tell them apart?--takes your chips and writes your name down on some tickets, which he puts into a giant bubble to wait for the drawing. "We'll send you notice on Moonday, if you're a winner," he says.

  • If you enter an invalid input (not a natural number):

That's not a number of tickets you can buy.

  • If you don't have enough chips to buy the number you enter:

You dont have that many chips.

  • When you win a chair (Mink Seat of Justice/Plush Recliner of Wisdom/Oaken Bench of Might) you receive a message from Ryme:

Congratulations! You just won the <chair>. It's yours for the next week. Use it well, hero.


  • Winning the Mink Seat of Justice:
    • Resting takes 30 seconds less (or is it just always 2 minutes? needs spading).
    • Resting gives triple the HP and double the PP.
    • Being defeated costs half the time a regular round costs, and does not cost any effect. You get the message:

You lose the fight, but you manage to crawl off and rest in your fancy chair for a while. You feel able to move around in about half the time you normally would.

  • Winning the Oaken Bench of Might:


  • Winning the Plush Recliner of Wisdom:


  • Mink Seat is a spoonerism for Meat Sink. In the game Kingdom of Loathing, a Meat Sink is a game feature which is designed to remove Meat (that game's currency) from the economy. The parallelism is obvious.