Webbed sand

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Revision as of 07:26, 3 January 2008 by Valera (talk | contribs) (Added combat use message)
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Item Number: 331
Description ID: 4256989
(view in-game)

webbed sand
Plural: Unknown
You've got a clump of desert sand, wrapped up in what appears to be something like rough silk thread, or a really hefty spider web. You spend a moment imagining how, if that thread were instead more like an hourglass, what you hold would indeed be akin to the days of your life.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 20

Combat Usable

How Obtained



When used in combat: "You lob the clump of sand at your opponent. The chunk of sand bursts and sprays everywhere, including your foe's eyes. Your opponent starts flailing around and attacking more weakly than normal."