Talk:Advanced medkit

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Revision as of 12:18, 10 January 2008 by Valera (talk | contribs) (Asked a question.)

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All HP gains fall in the 30-35 range, at least according to my spading. Since the other restorer given by backpacks, firewater, gives 20-25 PP, they seem to be a simple 5 point spread. I'm going to remove the under construction tag, since that is all the info requested.--Voort 09:21, 10 January 2008 (MST)

  • Found no difference during combat [if usable in combat] than out, with levels, with max hp difference, or with increased stats? I haven't actually used one, just making sure it has no scaling at all. --Valera 12:18, 10 January 2008 (MST)