
From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 23:18, 24 July 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)
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July 21: On the heels of all that good stuff ... the jetpack and VHF-1 fighter (and future flying gadgets) require the Passable Pilot skill to operate.

July 21: Somerset has a new beginner-friendly zone, which collapses with 2 other easy zones into a subzone once you hit level 3--don't be surprised by the locations shuffling.

Also added: 2 new recipes! 1 new drop in a very old zone! 1 new badge! 1 one-time reward that will help low-level players get some chips.

July 20 The next "Tea Time with Ryme" will be Tuesday, July 20 at 8:00 p.m. US Mountain time (roughly 1 hour before rollover), for a live Q&A session about the game. Details on the forums.

July 19 If you encounter a wandering villain just as you're changing zones, the game should in most cases update the Last Area Patrolled link to the new location.

July 15 Everybody should secretly have gotten another first-level skill. Each class should have one buff and one combat skill when they start.