NCI Live building

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Revision as of 08:42, 26 September 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (Room 26 (front room))

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NCI Live building
Location: (Jekyll and) Hyde Park
Unlocks: during Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game
Combat %: unknown
Foe XP range:
ID: 55

The Mick is somewhere in here. Can you find him before it's too late?

  • NCI Live building opens as you approach Rand for the second time during Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game.
  • The location includes 35 rooms numbered from left to right, from top to bottom, skipping levels 6 and 7.
  • Rooms which are available to be cleaned are marked with Can-visit.gif. Rooms which are not accessible are marked with Cant-visit.gif. A cleaned room shows an empty square and cannot be accessed anymore.
  • You start with only room 26 available.

Room 26 (front room)

Petty Theft (room 26)

Notes: followed by ultimate security guard

ultimate security guard

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 115

Notes: defeating four opens room 27 and cleans the room

Room 27


Item Drops: shocker pen

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 115

Room 27