The Space Station

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Revision as of 23:41, 3 December 2012 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (commenting out imagemap and replacing with just an image)
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The Space Station
Location: University Heights
Unlocks: after A Mysterious Ruin


(This section is only available with the dreamer's clock equipped.)

The Depths of Space
(with dreamer's clock equipped)

The Space Station

This area is only available after and during the A Mysterious Ruin quest. The station itself goes through several phases of building:

At this point all the facilities of the station are open. These include the Space Station Sickbay and Radiation Lab:

Temporarily commenting out imagemap until extension is fixed.

The space station goes through one more phase:

At this point Fighting Robots is open, see Space Robots!. After defeating the robots for four days (which also requires being level 12 or more) the station reaches its final stage:

This opens an additional locations:

Temporarily commenting out imagemap until extension is fixed.