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Revision as of 13:17, 3 December 2013 by Patojonas (talk | contribs) (molecar)
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Winsday's Attack (2013-04-01)
Moles Defeated:
Aewyre defeated 2, Feathergod defeated 1, Okarin defeated 1, and Reigna defeated 1.
Shields Broken:
Feathergod broke 2, Okarin broke 2, Aewyre broke 1, and Reigna broke 1.
Reigna dealt 2239, Okarin dealt 2201, Aewyre dealt 1676, and Feathergod dealt 1620.

Added Moletron's Molecar to your League Vault.
Added blazing shield fragment to your League Vault. X2
Added undermined diamond to your League Vault.
Added undermined baseball to your League Vault.
Added Powdered Moleroot to your League Vault. X4

Patojonas 06:22, 1 April 2013 (PDT)

Starsday's Attack (2013-04-08)
Moles Defeated:
Aewyre defeated 3, Feathergod defeated 1 and Okarin defeated 1
Shields Broken:
Feathergod broke 3, Okarin broke 2 and Aewyre broke 13.
Okarin dealt 2530, Aewyre dealt 2605, and Feathergod dealt 2680.

Added Moletron's Molecar to your League Vault.
Added blazing shield fragment to your League Vault. X2
Added undermined diamond to your League Vault.
Added undermined baseball to your League Vault.
Added Powdered Moleroot to your League Vault. X3

Patojonas 06:03, 13 April 2013 (PDT)

Starsday's Attack (2013-04-26)
Moles Defeated:
Aewyre defeated 2, Feathergod defeated 1, Okarin defeated 1 and Reigna defeated 1
Shields Broken:
Aewyre broke 2, Feathergod broke 2, Okarin broke 2 and Reigna broke 1
Reigna dealt 2385, Aewyre dealt 2238, Okarin dealt 1736 and Feathergod dealt 1665.

Added Moletron's Molecar to your League Vault.
Added blazing shield fragment to your League Vault. X2
Added undermined diamond to your League Vault.
Added undermined baseball to your League Vault.
Added Powdered Moleroot to your League Vault. X4

Patojonas 11:55, 28 April 2013 (PDT)

Sunday's Attack (2013-05-16)
Moles Defeated:
Feathergod defeated 2, Okarin defeated 2, and Aewyre defeated 1.
Shields Broken:
Aewyre broke 2, Feathergod broke 2, and Okarin broke 2.
Okarin dealt 2700, Aewyre dealt 2674, and Feathergod dealt 2149.

Added Moletron's Molecar to your League Vault.
Added blazing shield fragment to your League Vault.
Added undermined diamond to your League Vault.
Added Powdered Moleroot to your League Vault. X3

Winsday's Attack (2013-05-19)
Moles Defeated:
Feathergod defeated 2, Aewyre defeated 1, Okarin defeated 1, and Reigna defeated 1.
Shields Broken:
Aewyre broke 2, Feathergod broke 2, Okarin broke 2, and Reigna broke 1.
Aewyre dealt 2213, Okarin dealt 2211, Reigna dealt 1694, and Feathergod dealt 1604.

Added Moletron's Molecar to your League Vault.
Added blazing shield fragment to your League Vault. X2
Added undermined diamond to your League Vault.
Added Powdered Moleroot to your League Vault. X4

Moonday's Attack (2013-11-30)
Moles Defeated:
Aewyre defeated 2, Okarin defeated 2, and Blackmatter615 defeated 1.
Shields Broken:
Aewyre broke 1, Blackmatter615 broke 1, and Okarin broke 1.
Aewyre dealt 2861, Okarin dealt 2849, and Blackmatter615 dealt 2263.

Added Moletron's Molecar to your League Vault.
Added blazing shield fragment to your League Vault.
Added undermined baseball to your League Vault.
Added Powdered Moleroot to your League Vault. X3

Obviously, all of the above have (a) 3 or more players defeating the moles, (2) 3 or more players fighting Moletron, and (iii) 3 or more players breaking Moletron's shields. Sanjuro (talk) 21:22, 22 May 2013 (PDT)

Yeah, well, like the onesie, requires a team effort, and it seems the limit of a team is, like the number of the counting, three =P. About killing the moles, strafing wasn't important for the onesie to drop so maybe spreading the killing isn't needed either, but it'd be a waste of sugar. Patojonas 09:25, 24 May 2013 (PDT)

First time I see the molecar dropping with so little shields broken.Patojonas 06:49, 30 November 2013 (PST)

According to Kinak, the molecar can be guaranteed if all requirements are fulfilled, but if they are partially fulfilled there's a chance it'll also drop. Patojonas 05:17, 3 December 2013 (PST)

Shield Fragments

Second blazing fragment is not guaranteed drop for multiple people breaking shields. I broke 8 and ADN broke 3, but only 1 fragment dropped. -- Satan 10:19 PM, 1 April 2013 (CDT)

Yeah, we've been noticing that on our main league. Judging by the 2 molecars so far recorded, the trigger for the extra shield fragment and both undermined items seem to be small conditions within the molecar's requirements Patojonas 06:03, 13 April 2013 (PDT)

Nope, seem to be independent conditions based on my main's league. Patojonas 11:55, 28 April 2013 (PDT)