User talk:Jesus
Was looking at your work on Keen Observation... the addition of the Triassic Park could give mid-20's level monsters, and it would be interesting to see how it reacts there. And probably easier than scaling zones which tend to have huge ranges. Cristiona 05:01, 12 June 2008 (MST)
Missing items (sets of <10)
9 -- 62. shattered protest sign
3 -- 74. dyed pajamas
1 -- 226. kindling
6 -- 240. weird sculpture
5 -- 277. Double half large
3 -- 329. control arm
1 -- 337. fuel tank
1 -- 346. one-armed harness
7 -- 356. sturdy harness
3 -- 514. Exigen-C cocktail
8 -- 516. shoehorn