Remainder cell phone
remainder cell phone
Plural: remainder cell phones
This is a cell phone that never sold back in the day when it was popular, but now that it's a remainder item it's relatively cheap. Its benefits include the ability to keep in touch with friends and family while fighting crime. Realistically speaking this means you'll perform your activities in a slow and completely erratic fashion, annoying everyone around you, but you'll have a lot more fun while you're doing what you're doing. Weirdly, the brand name on the phone says "SonaPanic" ... surely that can't be right?
Offhand Item
Autosell value: 35
+13% XP per combat
+30 seconds to the duration of each turn
How Obtained
- Buy at the Black Market
The '"SonaPanic" ... surely that can't be right?' line refers to the technology company Panasonic, and possibly Sony.