Buzzkill's Army

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This Event used to be known as St. Anne Park, before the park had become a permanent fixture in Downtown Twilight.

11-07-08 Event

Oh no! Captain Buzzkill has broken out of jail and is threatening the entire city with an unhappiness machine that he's set
up in St. Anne Park in Downtown Twilight. Only you can help! More details.

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales with level

Health: Scales with level


Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales with level

Health: Scales with level

One-time Adventures

Captain Buzzkill

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales with level

Health: Scales with level

Notes: When defeated, the subsequent shutdown of the joy-absorbing device infuses you with 'Overjoyed' for 120 minutes.

After Captain Buzzkill is defeated

With Captain Buzzkill behind bars, the once quiet park is peaceful again.

Return to Past Events.