Ball of fire

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Item Number: 610
Description ID: 1200711
(view in-game)

ball of fire
Plural: great balls of fire
This is a ceramic bowl that appears to contain a perpetually burning ball of flame. The heat this thing is putting out is impressive.

Offhand Item
Autosell value: 20

+3 spell damage

How Obtained

Using a bowl of oil while being an elemental

When Used

  • Elemental

You decide you like the ball of fire just as it is.

  • Naturalist


  • Psion

You think long and hard about the best use for the oil product, and eventually settle on dividing it up into a series of piles, purifying it, and then adding a selection of dyes.

You got an item: oil paints

  • Gadgeteer

You run the oil product through a series of cookers and distillers until you can't think of any other machinery to apply. When you're done you've got quite a mess.

You got an item: glob of tar

Using multiple: Unspecified