The Space Station

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This area is only available after and during the A Mysterious Ruin quest. The station goes through several phases of building:

At this point all the facilities of the station are open. These include the Sickbay and Radiation Lab:

Top SponsorsRadiation LabSickbayUniversity HeightsSpace3d.gif
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The space station goes through one more phase:

At this point Fighting Robots is open, see Space Robots!. After defeating the robots for four days (which also requires being level 12 or more) the station reaches its final stage:

This opens an additional locations:

Quadrant Delta-Delta-Delta ForceRow vs. Wade BattlefieldSector 7-GammaTop SponsorsRadiation LabSickbayUniversity HeightsAquasson BaseRow-bot BaseWade-bot BaseSSBF.jpg
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