The Depths of Space

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The Depths of Space are located at The Space Station, and are only accessible with the dreamer's clock equipped.

Combat Adventures


Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 555


Item Drops: shan carapace, strange fungus

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 565

nioth korghai

Item Drops: tok'l ore, bone flute

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 590


Item Drops: shan carapace, CTHULHU disc: Book of Hidden Things

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 575

moon beast

Item Drops: bone flute, space mead

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 545

outer one

Item Drops: strange fungus, tok'l ore

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 530