It Takes a Cool Hand to Boil an Egg

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Revision as of 09:47, 11 October 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (image, ref)

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The given address is apparently in the middle of a commercial block. At first the area seems empty, but then you locate a lone figure halfway down the block. He appears to be staggering in circles around a parking meter. On closer inspection you see that he's holding some kind of saw, and very ineffectively trying to cut the top off of the meter, one slow rotation at a time.

It's obviously the man is pretty drunk, and at first you fear there's going to be a complete failure to communicate, but when you gently take the saw away and push him in the direction of home, he goes willingly enough. The last thing you hear as he walks away is, "I'm gonna go make some eggs. I can eat a lot of eggs."

If this is your 1st or 2nd adventure of the day:

Phil thanks you for your help and allocates a credit to your account. He says he'll keep adjusting the equipment, and call as soon as he detects another impending incident.

You got an item: crimebusters IOU Iou.gif

If this is your 3rd adventure of the day:

Phil thanks you for your help and allocates a credit to your account. He says he's done for the night, but to check back in tomorrow if you want to keep helping.

You got an item: crimebusters IOU Iou.gif


