A Little Privacy, Please

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You follow the address, which leads you down to Bayside and then right out to the beach. You stand at the line where the grass meets the sand, scoping out the area. Waves wash the shore. Down on the sand two young lovers are enjoying a romantic--whoah, hey, you didn't need to see that!

You radio back to Phil and tell him this one was definitely a false positive. He takes some notes and says he'll make adjustments.

If this is your 1st or 2nd adventure of the day:

Phil thanks you for your help and allocates a credit to your account. He says he'll keep adjusting the equipment, and call as soon as he detects another impending incident.

You got an item: crimebusters IOU

If this is your 3rd adventure of the day:

Phil thanks you for your help and allocates a credit to your account. He says he's done for the night, but to check back in tomorrow if you want to keep helping.

You got an item: crimebusters IOU

