Virtual Reality Gaming Center

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Virtual Reality Gaming Center
Location: Downtown Twilight
This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
frequencies of outcomes

The attendant on duty at the Virtual Reality Gaming Center approaches and informs you that they've got three basic types of games: flight simulators, empire-building strategy games, and sports games. Each game costs 100 chips for 10 minutes of play.

Flight Simulator (10 min)

When you choose to Play the Flight Simulator, you will get some game points and one of the following outcomes:

3 points:

You play the flight simulator for a while. A wild and crazy dogfight ensues where you shoot everyone out of the sky. Yes, even yourself. It's tricky, but with some effort you pull it off. You gain 1 Reflex point.

4 points:

You play the flight simulator for a while. You spend the time working on precision flying. Eventually you learn how to buzz so close to the flight tower you can hear the controllers inside shout "Maverick!" You gain 1 Reflex point.

5 points:

You play the flight simulator for a while. Initially you're doing pretty well, but then one of your opponents shoots you out of the sky. It's frustrating, but it teaches you a thing or two about strategy. You gain 1 Intellect point.

6-8 points:

You play the flight simulator for a while. You zip through the skies like a bird. And not one of those pathetic flightless birds, either. You gain (10-16)*Level XP.

When crossing a 25 points multiple, up to 250, you will advance to the next Flight Bracket:

You just hit Flight Bracket N!

Somehow you manage to open a bonus round with a chance to win a prize. After ten minutes of shooting like crazy, it turns out the prize is a can of energy drink, cross-promoted between the game maker and a beverage company.

You get an item: Bray energy drink.

On Flight Bracket 1:

You have also acquired a new skill: Passable Pilot

On Bracket 10:

You have achieved the highest bracket in this game.

Empire Building game (10 min)

When you choose to Empire Building game, you will get some game points and one of the following outcomes:

3 points:

You play the empire strategy game for a while. Using the time allotted you managed to set up a railroad monopoly which uses its empty cars to give settlers roller-coaster rides as you take them along the old Oregon Trail. That's what we call thinking outside the box. You gain 1 Intellect point.

4 points:

You play the empire strategy game for a while. In just ten short minutes you manage to bend an entire galactic civilization to your will. Starcraft Ho! You gain 1 Intellect point.

5 points:

You play the empire strategy game for a while. You spend the time managing several construction projects, which mostly means running back and forth between disasters. That takes quite a bit of stamina! You gain 1 Strength point.

6-8 points:

You play the empire strategy game for a while. You build your own little city of Virtual Rome, and then while you're there you do as Virtual Romans do. You gain (10-16)*Level XP.

When crossing a 25 points multiple, up to 250, you will advance to the next Empire Bracket:

You just hit Empire Bracket N!

When you're done, the store manager pulls you aside and says, "You don't know this, but we've been tying your game performance to real-world stock market. You just made our company 1,750,000-2,490,000 chips! As as sign of appreciation, we'd like to give you a cut as commission." The manager hands you an envelope.

Inside is 175-249 chips. That's a lame commission, you think, but it's better than nothing. (The amount gained is 1/10000 of the amount you made for the company. Cheap bastards.)

On Bracket 10:

You have achieved the highest bracket in this game.

Virtual Sports (10 min)

When you choose to Virtual Sports, you will get some game points and one of the following outcomes:

3 points:

You play the virtual sports game for a while. For variety you load an ultimate frisbee program. You're surprised to find it requires more running than even soccer. You gain 1 Strength point.

4 points:

You play the virtual sports game for a while. Looking for something different, you enter a virtual "World's Strongest Hero" competition. There's a lot of grunting involved, meaning you gain 1 Strength point.

5 points:

You play the virtual sports game for a while. You load the ping-pong program. For a real challenge, you play two different opponents at once. You gain 1 Reflex point.

6-8 points:

You play the virtual sports game for a while. You play a speed round of golf and then try out curling. Someone tries to tell you neither of those are sports, but you don't listen to them. You gain (10-16)*Level XP.

When crossing a 25 points multiple, up to 250, you will advance to the next Sports Bracket:

You just hit Sports Bracket N!

Surprisingly, you just got the high score in the game. As a prize, you're given a bottle of energy drink to help you properly rehydrate after your intense effort.

You get an item: Scalpel energy drink.

On Bracket 10:

You have achieved the highest bracket in this game.


  • The total number of points you have in each game is recorded in the Other Notes section of your Journal.
  • The top 10 scores in each game are listed in Starboard Port.


  • The 4 points result on the Flight Simulator references the movie Top Gun. Maverick is the main character's nickname.
  • The idea of a virtual reality game actually being reality in The Empire Building Game is a reference to the novel Ender's Game, where the main character, Ender, controls a fleet of ships and destroys an alien colony when he thinks he is training for the same battle.
  • The 4 points result in the Empire Building game refers to the game Starcraft.
  • The 6-8 points reslt in the Empire Building game refers to the saying when in Rome, do as the Romans do.