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Go to Elemental Skills (level 4 skill, trained at the Training Room)


You can use this skill to tap into the ground beneath your opponent's feet and cause it to shake vigorously, temporarily stunning them and throwing them off balance.

Reduces opponent to-hit and dodge chances
May stun opponent

Combat Skill
Cost: 6 PP

When Used

  • Unsuccessful use:
You tap into the earth beneath your opponent's feet and cause it to shake vigorously. Even after the shaking stops, your opponent is a little off balance.
  • Successful use:
You tap into the earth beneath your opponent's feet and cause it to shake vigorously. Even after the shaking stops, your opponent is a little off balance. Your opponent is disoriented to the point of missing a turn.


  • Opponent to-hit and dodge are reduced by 5 + S, where S is the number of skill points invested.
  • The chance to stun is 20% + S%.
  • Prior to the introduction of skill points, opponent to-hit and dodge were reduced by 8. The chance to stun was about 20%.