(Jekyll and) Hyde Park

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So many of the major English-speaking cities invariably have a neighborhood called Hyde Park. Twilight is no exception, though in this case it was named after the book, and is officially recorded as Jekyll and Hyde Park. Nobody calls it that, though.

Hyde Park is normally a quaint older neighborhood, filled with large stone buildings. There's a small college here with an underused observatory, the eponymous park in a central square, and heavy immigration over the years has turned about a third of the neighborhood into a Chinatown of sorts.

Off on the far end of the suburb there's an office building. It's an eerie, dark building that's clearly evil. The anagram of its name is "evil, inc." for one thing. For another, there are a lot of lights on and people working after hours. What could be more evil than making employees work late?


Hyde Park streets
(During the Frusion Event)

NCI Live building


Talk to Ebeneezer
(During the Frusion Event)



  • The zone was introduced on January 25th 2010 for the Frusion Event. Until April 5th 2010 the last paragraph read:

At the moment, though, chaos abounds. There are weird sparks arcing off exposed metal, like the air is full of electricity. People are running around scared and confused, and small fires seem to have cropped up all over the place.



Somerset Square

University Heights

Seedy Casinos


Downtown Twilight

Heavy Industry District

Out in the Desert

(Jekyll and) Hyde Park

Up in the Mountains