Attache case

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Revision as of 11:21, 6 April 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (New page: {{item |descid=2412527 |itemid=1125 |name=attache case |plural= |image=attache-case.gif |desc=I suppose you could call this a briefcase, a folio case, a satchel, or if you wanted to be rea...)
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Item Number: 1125
Description ID: 2412527
(view in-game)

attache case
Plural: Unknown
I suppose you could call this a briefcase, a folio case, a satchel, or if you wanted to be real old school, you could call it a budget. Regardless, this is a handy case for storing things, especially papers and documents. I suppose you could smack someone in the face with it if you were desperate.

Offhand Item
Power: 16
Level Required: 10
Autosell value: 204
Attacker takes 1 damage
+50% drops for SQUID and CTHULHU discs

How Obtained

NCI Live building‎