Electric Net

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Go to Gadgeteer Skills (level 11 skill, trained at the Training Room)

Electric Net

This allows you to create and use an electric net, which deals a small amount of electric damage and dramatically limits your opponent's ability to dodge.

Reduces foe dodge ability
Deals electric damage

Combat Skill
Cost: 15 PP

When Used

You fling an electrified net on your foe, tangling it up and delivering a little shock for X damage.


  • X is 4-8 + 2*S + level, where S is the number of Skill-point.gif skill points invested.
  • Foe dodge is reduced by level * (.5 + (S/10)).
  • Prior to the introduction of skill points, X was 5-8 + level. Foe dodge was reduced by level.
  • Against frusion enemies it does only 2-4 damage with a message:

You fling an electrified net on your foe. It completely fails at tangling, but you think the electric part maybe did 2-4 damage.