Talk:R.E.T.C.O.N. Device

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Mettle Foil
8 2
10 2
12 3
16 4

More data was added at Talk:Gold foil.

--Muhandes 07:47, 1 October 2010 (PDT)


"Both of these must be accomplished before meeting Susan to receive the bonus." Meeting susan which time? Im assuming when she gives you the retcon device, but you meet with her a lot. Clarification would be nice. --blackmatter615 19 Oct. 2010

OK --Muhandes 18:01, 19 October 2010 (PDT)

Bonus mettle

Bonus mettle questions - do you get bonus after completing just A Mysterious Ruin or after unlocking Space Station?--Shikao 06:55, 24 November 2010 (PST)

I was on the last day before robot fighting began then retconned (got to lvl 14 for fire within) and did not receive any bonus mettle. Looks like you must fully unlock the space station. Blackmatter615 07:33, 24 November 2010 (PST)
It is very easy to know when you actually get the bonus mettle since the game always tells you. In this case, the meetle message is part of The Only Thing Worse than a Love Triangle is a Hate Triangle, and is awarded as part of this adventure. I will add a note to the page clarifying that. --Muhandes 23:20, 24 November 2010 (PST)

OK. Then I think we need to take a closer look at this. I reached The Only Thing Worse than a Love Triangle is a Hate Triangle days after getting retcon device and still got bonus mettle, which would mean that you can compelete it after doing Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game. Check mine 7th run - 7 days and bonus mettle, while the quest takes longer than 7 days. Unless I accidentaly discovered 3rd bonus mettle --Shikao 01:59, 25 November 2010 (PST)

2nd bonus mettle is awarded at the moment you hand in claws and skulls to Mystic, no need to level up to 26. Also both bonus mettles can be acquired after completing Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game. At least that's what my retcon history states at the moment. Unfortunately I won't be able whether I really get them in long time, cause I am going for lvl 50 merit badge. --Shikao 23:25, 22 January 2011 (PST)


All this comes back to you, and you open your eyes. You find a vaguely familiar woman leaning over you, who asks nervously, "Are you all right?" You assure woman that you're okay. The woman says she was on the way to an audition at a theater downtown, when she found you. There's something you like about this actor, and the sense of familiarity is overwhelming, so you share your story and readily accept when she offers to be your understudy. Cristiona

unrestricted sidekick

Half of message contains differences depending on your sidekick's sex and second half is just female. Intentional or accidental Muhandes? --Shikao 09:31, 22 January 2011 (PST)

Needs content. --Muhandes 01:18, 23 January 2011 (PST)