Sugar Purifier

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Go to Gadgeteer Skills (level 5 skill, trained at the Training Room)

Sugar Purifier

You can build a sugar purifier which intensifies the sweetness of sugary snacks, getting more benefit from them.

Noncombat Skill
Cost: 20 PP

When Used

You configure a device which can briefly purify sugar. It's a one-shot device, and relies on unstable chemicals which will lose effectiveness quickly. You've got roughly a quarter of an hour to use it to eat some sugar before the purifier becomes useless. (Added for 15 minutes.)


  • Adds 20% + 3S% to the time gains of sugar, where S is the number of skill points invested.
  • Consuming Sugar while this effect is active, removes the effects, and gives the following message:

The sugar purifier makes the sweet intensely sugary.