Photonic chiller

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Item Number: 46
Description ID: 8627041
(view in-game)

photonic chiller
Plural: photonic chillers
What did one photon say to the other photon? "I'm sick and tired of your interference!"

Unless you're good at physics, you probably don't get that joke. Also true is the fact that unless you're really good at physics you probably wouldn't understand how this thing works. You could try asking a physicist, but every time you're tempted you remember that a physicist was the one who told you that awful photon joke in the first place.

Nonetheless based on the word "chiller" you suspect this thing keeps things cool, and based on the word "photonic" you're pretty sure it uses photons somehow.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 155

How Obtained

a renegade robot hive

Other Uses


The beginning joke is an allusion to a foundational tenet of quantum mechanics best illustrated by the double slit experiment. The experiment demonstrates how photons (manifesting as light) can exist in multiple places/states at once and generate interference fields rather existing in linear arrangements. Like the text says, it's best explained by a physicist.