Practice Makes Better

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As you're walking by a martial arts studio, the sensei invites you in for a quick sparring match, to help sharpen both of your skills. Figuring practice against a master would always be beneficial, you agree. The sensei takes careful measure of your getup and stance, and then approaches with appropriate countermeasures.

If +ranged damage is higher than +melee and +spell damage:
By the end of the match you feel you've really enhanced your reaction time. You gain 3 reflexes.


If +melee damage is higher than +ranged and +spell damage:
By the time the bout is over, you've had an excellent physical workout. You gain 3 strength.


If +spell damage is higher than +melee and +ranged damage:
By the time you've finished sparring, your understanding of strategy has been deepened. You gain 3 intellect.


If no +ranged, +melee, or +spell damage is present:
It's a good all-around workout, and you walk away feeling better for the experience.

You gain 90-110 experience.



  • Ties are handled in the following manner:
+melee damage gets priority over +ranged and +spell damage.
+spell damage gets priority over +ranged damage.
  • +% values have no effect on the outcome.
  • +weapon damage also has no effect on the outcome.
  • In the case of the passive skill Sniper you can only receive the experience result by equipping enough -ranged damage to counteract the skill's effect.