Talk:Big Charley

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Revision as of 00:01, 24 July 2012 by Patojonas (talk | contribs) (more data)
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Got 2030 xp, had 50 ft from the sundowner and +4xp from the subscriber's jacker, removing those it leaves 2001 XP at level 103.
This thing scales and is quite powerful at my level, had to use tens of super-cute bunnies (40-50) to annihilate his attack power (from 100+ to ~5) and some sleet buckets to have him miss for the first time.
Also, I must have dealt around 2500 damage to kill it. Patojonas 06:14, 2 May 2012 (PDT)

I've got reflexes at 8512, and can't hit him with a ranged weapon of power 720. Ticket punch does approximately 1350 damage, but 3 didn't kill him. He clearly scales remarkably. A challenge--How marvelous! Dogberry--7 May 2012; 2110 PM CDT

Weapon power just controls how much damage you do when you hit, not your chance of hitting. And glad you're enjoying! Cristiona 20:01, 7 May 2012 (PDT)
He is indeed a challenge...until you use kung fu. Currently I take him out with 2 kung fu strikes, 1100+ each. His power seems to have a wide range, I've seen the xp gained range from 1800+ to 2000+ Patojonas 04:23, 8 May 2012 (PDT)
I was killing him with Psi Blast. Also, his method of scaling is not unique. Cristiona

Item drops affect balls o' fire. "You found an item: ball o' fire" Sanjuro 13:59, 8 May 2012 (PDT)

Bwahahaha Cristiona

Whew. It took me roughly 9000 damage to kill him, and I got 8440 XP. (For those of you who are spading the scaling. I'm not bragging. Much. :) It took me like 12 tries...) Dogberry--8 May 2012; 2204 PM CDT

By the way, once I encountered him while wearing the mask of Odysseus and it prevented my initiative loss... either the mask scaling bug is fixed or this is a different scaling mechanic. For some reason Cristiona's remark makes me think about the Mick, the only foe to scale enough to be troublesome. Patojonas 04:38, 9 May 2012 (PDT)

The Mick's scaling is unique. Chuck uses a different one... Cristiona 20:01, 9 May 2012 (PDT)
Diminutive form of Charles, much like Charlie is. Cristiona

By the way, I've been trying to determine time between fights. Today I got 2 fights separated by 45 turns (or 3 hours and 2.5 minutes going by the time displayed). I dunno if sidekick effectiveness affects time between fights (50% from judo kid gloves), but I confirm that the time to the next fight is saved from one day to the next, just like time between subscriber voucher drops are. Patojonas 04:38, 10 May 2012 (PDT)

I can confirm that the counter is constant between days. It's only supposed to reset on retcon. Presumably, it's constant across transmog, too, but I haven't tested (obviously). Also, I believe that the counter is set, regardless of level, but it should be easy enough to test by using the arsonist at level 1. Cristiona 18:22, 10 May 2012 (PDT)
Got Big Charlie after a little over 3 hours at level 2. Seems the timer's constant. Cristiona 21:40, 12 May 2012 (PDT)

I think it scales just like the foes at Quadrant Delta-Delta-Delta Force, if you want to help making sure post the sum of your stats, the xp gained and the xp modifiers you had at the end of the fight.
Also, if you also would like to help with the drop rates check my talk page. Patojonas 04:41, 12 June 2012 (PDT)

Here's my first data dump on this:
  • Stats - XP - XP/stat
  • 4587 - 1553 - .3385
  • 4587 - 1744 - .3802
  • 4587 - 1805 - .3935
  • 4587 - 1835 - .4000
  • 4587 - 1835 - .4000
  • 4587 - 1927 - .4201
  • 4587 - 1988 - .4334
  • Stats - XP - XP/stat (level up)
  • 4602 - 1627 - .3535
  • 4602 - 1688 - .3668
  • 4602 - 1699 - .3692
  • 4602 - 1749 - .3801
  • 4602 - 1752 - .3807
  • 4602 - 1780 - .3868
  • 4602 - 1811 - .3935
  • 4602 - 1811 - .3935
  • 4602 - 1841 - .4000
  • 4602 - 1841 - .4000
  • 4602 - 1872 - .4068
  • 4602 - 1872 - .4068
  • 4602 - 1903 - .4135
  • 4602 - 1903 - .4135
  • 4602 - 1933 - .4200
  • 4602 - 1933 - .4200
  • 4602 - 1964 - .4268
  • 4602 - 1964 - .4268
  • 4602 - 1995 - .4335
  • 4602 - 1995 - .4335
  • 4602 - 1995 - .4335
  • 4602 - 1995 - .4335
  • 4602 - 2025 - .4400
  • 4602 - 2025 - .4400
  • Stats - XP - XP/stat (level up)
  • 4617 - 1663 - .3602
  • 4617 - 1693 - .3602
  • 4617 - 1693 - .3602
  • 4617 - 1724 - .3734
  • 4617 - 1786 - .3868
  • 4617 - 1786 - .3868
  • 4617 - 1817 - .3935
  • 4617 - 1817 - .3935
  • 4617 - 2001 - .4334
  • 4617 - 2124 - .4600

The foes at Quadrant Delta-Delta-Delta Force range from .33 to .47 times the sum of all stats, so far this data is within those limits, more data needed to check the limits.

Patojonas 15:22, 4 July 2012 (PDT)

Added more data to the above. Can't stop noticing that the multiplier seems to have jumps of ~0.00675, varying a little since the observed values are rounded.

Patojonas 17:01, 23 July 2012 (PDT)