Ouch's trick cards
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Ouch's trick cards
Plural: packs of Ouch's trick cards
Every magician has at least one card trick in his repertoire. Look under your seat, is that the 9 of Clubs? The edges of the cards in this deck have been honed to a surprising sharpness, making anyone hesitate when asked to pick a card, any card.
Comes from August 2012 Item of the Month
Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 15
{{#vardefine:consumable|no}}{{#vardefine:consumable|{{#var:consumable}}}}Combat Usable
How Obtained
Using Professor Ouch's satchel of tricks
When Used in Combat
With great flourish, you fling the cards at the <foe name>, dealing X damage damage in the most dangerous game of 52 card pick-up ever.