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Lobby Waiting Room Vault Training Records Chalkboard Command Room Roof

Records Room

In this towering room sit six clearly labeled file cabinets. Each file cabinet contains the records of your league's accomplishments for one day.

Apparently at the end of six days, you toss the records from a week ago and start over. How's that for a records retention policy?

  • If your league hasn't achieved anything today, the current day records will be:

<day>'s Attack
Your league hasn't defeated an attack today. But wait! There's still time!

<day>'s Other Heroism
There's nothing in the logs from today, but the night is still young.

<day>'s Attack
You defeated V.I.L.L.A.I.N.!
Blue Lawn Darts:
<player1> threw X1, <player2> threw X2, ..., and <playerN> threw XN
<player1> dealt Y1, <player1> dealt Y2, ...., and <playerN> dealt YN
Your league gained 5 Prestige!

<day>'s Other Heroism
Added <item> to your League Vault.
<leader> sent <player> Z <item> from the Vault.

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