Talk:Sector 7-Gamma

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Revision as of 16:15, 8 December 2012 by Patojonas (talk | contribs) (spadings)
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add "water spider" - drops Aquasson logo, strut bar; does acid damage
add "Grumpy Grey Giant" - vulnerable to "badly bent knife", drops plasteel plating & superconductor chip
add "Rock'em Bot" - drops titanium plating & superconductor chip
SoundWave drops strut bar
add "water strider" - does psychic damage, is resistant to psychic damage
add "crawler bot" - does electric damage, drops cybertronium & superconductor chip
--Tarwix 00:09, 7 March 2008 (MST)

The GGG is no more vulnerable to the badly bent knife than any other robot in the space station. The same text as from the City of Lost Robots is used here. Cristiona

True, Cris. Sorry.
SnoBot also drops laser macrodiode
lobster bot also drops plasteel plating
--Tarwix 23:08, 7 March 2008 (MST)

I stand corrected. Stats do not play any part in s7g experience gain, and neither does +%xp. Level, however, does. Level jumps up the amount of xp gained by alot, as well as increases the enemy difficulty. It also seems to affect the gain of xp per battle in some very minimal way, as I'm now getting 8-10 xp gain per battle, where it used to be much lower. It would also explain how at level 88 and more s7g kills, I'm getting less xp than malk, who is at level 117. - Satan


These were made using several retcons and avoiding foes here and there to keep the amounts balanced.

I'll ad the values to their respective pages, but the superconductive chips are common to them all so i'll discuss them here:

From a total of 5604 victories, I got 1116 superconductive chips, as folows:

  • 700 crawlers- 135 chips;
  • 700 grumpy giants - 141 chips;
  • 700 lobsters - 134 chips;
  • 701 rock'em - 136 chips;
  • 700 snobots - 167 chips;
  • 700 soundwaves - 129 chips;
  • 700 spiders - 134 chips;
  • 703 striders - 140 chips;

Disregarding the slight difference for the snobots, they're all pretty much the same so I'll treat them as one, resulting in 19.9 ± 1.1%

Also, crawler bots do NOT drop titanium plating.

Patojonas (talk) 08:15, 8 December 2012 (PST)