Fighting Robots

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Revision as of 11:15, 24 February 2013 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (Day 4 has different locationID)

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Fighting Robots
Location: The Space Station
Unlocks: during A Mysterious Ruin, after level 12
Combat %: 100
Foe XP range: unspecified
ID: 29

You must be at least level 12 to go here. It's not level discrimination or anything, I would just hate to see you get moitalized by some vicious robots that are waaaay out of your league. Come back when you're stronger.

  • Trying to adventure here after day 3 yields:

You cannot be here now. This place doesn't exist.

  • The adventures in this area are different on every day of the fight.
  • After three days, this becomes Fighting Robots (Day 4).

Day One Adventures

You'll get to fight 15 of the following foes:

a lanky robot

Item Drops: fusion pack, titanium plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

a treaded robot

Item Drops: fusion pack, titanium plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

One Time Adventures


Day Two Adventures

You'll get to fight 25 of the following foes:

a lanky robot

Item Drops: enerbun globule, titanium plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

a treaded robot

Item Drops: enerbun globule, titanium plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

a robot crawler

Item Drops: enerbun globule, plasteel plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

One Time Adventures

Silence Again

Day Three Adventures

You'll get to fight 35 of the following foes:

a lanky robot

Item Drops: enerbun globule, titanium plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

a treaded robot

Item Drops: enerbun globule, titanium plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

a robot crawler

Item Drops: enerbun globule, plasteel plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

a robotic gunboat

Item Drops: enerbun globule, enerbun globule, plasteel plating

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: Scales

One Time Adventures

Silence Again Again