General Info
Username: Patojonas (#26140)
Alias: Pato
Class: Elemental
League: League of Crazy Buffers
Known associates: Blackmatter615 (#25921), Feathergod (#26149) , Reigna (#26156) , Okarin (#36269) , Aewyre (#36427)
About Me
- 24 years old, currently living in Portugal and taking a degree in Biomedical Engineering.
- I'm a Manga/Anime fan/addict, if you just found some good ones let me know, I'm always hunting for moar.
Ongoing projects
- World domination!
- Keep preparing my main to initiate retcon....eventually.
- Getting all useful farming skills on my alts.
- Spading all that has yet to be spaded, one thing at a time. If you'd like to help in some way drop by the talk page and let me know!
Merit Badges
T.H. Accomplishments
- Spaded S7G!
- Discovered the Candy Sovereign badge!