Summon Wolf
Go to Naturalist Skills (level 11 skill, trained at the Training Room)
Summon Wolf
You call to your side a wolf from the surrounding desert. It will patrol with you for a short time.
Summons a companion
Cost: 9 PP
When Used
Used on oneself:
This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.
- Without a current companion:
- You reach out with your animal spirit and tap into the call of the wild. In a surprisingly short time a large wolf comes padding out of the shadows and stands at your side, teeth gleaming in the night. (Added for X minutes.)
- When Wolf is your current companion:
- You reach out with your animal spirit and tap into the call of the wild some more. The wolf grins wolfishly at you and seems inclined to stick around longer than before. (Duration increased to: some minutes).
- When you have a different companion:
- You want to summon a wolf, but you can't because you've got a sidekick already.
Sidekick/companion: Wolf
Using on someone else N times sends N wolf baits:
You can't really cast a companion on someone, so you do the next best thing. You send <target> N of an item that will get them a companion.
- X is 30 + 6*S, where S is the number of skill points invested. This is multiplied by the number of times cast.
- Prior to the introduction of skill points, X was 60.