White elephant gift

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Item Number: 872
Description ID: 7253319
(view in-game)

white elephant gift
Plural: white elephant gifts
Hm. You didn't really want one of these. In fact, you could go so far as to say you have no use for one of these. Despite that fact, you've got one. Nothing to do but rely on the greatest of holiday traditions: regifting!

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot traded, sold, or placed in a memento display
Item is a free pull while in a retcon run

How Obtained

The Docks

City of Lost Robots

Teeter Street

When Returned through [send to player]

You trick <player> into accepting a white elephant gift. Pretty funny, huh?

Trying to return the item to yourself:
This is not the sort of item you can give to yourself and have it mean anything.

Effect on Receiver:
<player> just sent you this lovely--er, well, someone must have thought it was worth manufacturing. Sorry, looks like you're stuck with it now.

Included item: white elephant (quantity 1)

In chat: <player> just tricked you into accepting a gift of questionable value.

Other Uses


  • A white elephant is a valuable possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness.