Guild for Imaginative Metachronism

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Revision as of 06:40, 15 March 2008 by Eight bit hero (talk | contribs) (HP of big-chinned wiseguy.... less than 88)
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Combat Adventures

big-chinned wiseguy

Item Drops: boomstick

Chip Drops: 50

Experience Gained: 60

Health: less than 88

cloaked swordsman

Item Drops: digital rapier, digital saber, hooded cloak, tacky grip

Chip Drops: 39-64

Experience Gained: 51

data priestess

Item Drops: armored gloves, data plate, e-rings

Chip Drops: 37-60

Experience Gained: 48

IT wizard

Item Drops: digital robes, roman candle wand

Chip Drops: 43-68

Experience Gained: 54

vogue rogue

Item Drops: bow of hazard, hooded cloak, lover's locket, left half

Chip Drops: 39-65

Experience Gained: 52


  • Play on the "Society for Creative Anachronism," a group largely responsible for starting the trend of Renaissance fairs and other period-based festivals.