Category:Prevents Bad Injuries

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During battle, if you suffer a critical hit while wearing any of these items, the penalties will be prevented and replaced by the following message:

  • It hurts pretty bad, but your gear protects you from the worst of the effects.

If you are defeated while wearing any of these items, some of the regular defeat messages and consequences are replaced by the following:

  • Your head smacks the ground as you collapse. Thank goodness your protective gear helped keep your brain from getting too scrambled. (preventing concussed effect)
  • That last hit was too much. You crawl away in defeat. That last blow came really close to an internal organ, but you think you're going to be okay. (preventing internal injuries effect)
  • Your foe beats you up and leaves you in the street. Your protective gear probably kept you from bleeding even more severly than you are. (preventing needs stitches effect)
  • Without your protective gear that would have been a really bad beating. Not that this was a good beating mind you, but it could have been worse. (preventing <one turn's worth> minutes additional loss)
  • You fall to the ground and nearly black out, but manage to maintain consciousness. (preventing <your possible gain> XP loss)
  • Man, that really smarts! You lie on the ground writhing in pain for a few minutes. (preventing PP loss, no matter the amount you have)

Pages in category "Prevents Bad Injuries"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.