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Item Number: 2059
Description ID: 49715738
(view in-game)

Plural: bezoars
Everyone knows that goats can eat anything and, as usual, everyone is wrong. This, as it turns out, is what happens to things a goat can't eat... they get turned into some weird rock thing.

And apparently they cure all poisons but, you know, caveat emptor.

Comes from the July 2013 Item of the Month

Autosell value: 20
+2 damage absorption
Prevents bad injuries

How Obtained

Box of Goats

Other Uses

Although this item has a proper auto-sell value, it cannot be recyclonized, digitized, fed to the goats, or deplicated.


  • Bezoars are stone-like objects that form from indigestible materials in the gastrointestinal system. They were once believed to be universal antidotes for poisons.
  • Caveat emptor means "Let the buyer beware" in Latin.