Frusion neoorb

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Item Number: 1475
Description ID: 4852643
(view in-game)

frusion neoorb
Plural: frusion neoorbs
Found in a questionable section of Hyde Park, the Frusion Neodymium Beads are an executive toy made up of little rare earth magnets that have been infused with bizarre frusion energy. This doesn't really change anything, but it sure makes them neato-keen.

They're currently arranged into a nifty little orb.

Offhand Item
Level Required: 4
Item cannot be auto-sold

+5 psychic damage

How Obtained

Using a frusion neodymium beads set or any of the frusion bead products while being a Psion

When Used

You spend some time playing with the beads and assemble something that feels natural and suited to your skills.

  • Elemental

You got an item: frusion neoscepter

  • Gadgeteer

You got an item: frusion neoscope

  • Naturalist

You got an item: frusion neoleash

  • Psion

You got an item: frusion neoorb