Stale cracker

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Item Number: 482
Description ID: 5241211
(view in-game)

stale cracker
Plural: stale crackers
Who in the world would want a stale cracker? Why would they carry it around? It doesn't make any sense. Eating it is out of the question, and it's not going to hold up well if you shove it in a bag with the rest of your equipment.

Comes from July 2008 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 10

Gets you a temporary companion.

How Obtained

Use a Plaid couch derivative.

When Used

This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:
There seem to be a lot of birds around, and you really don't need a stale cracker, so you throw it on the ground in front of you. Shortly a large crow lands an gobbles up the cracker. Afterwards, it hangs around, cawing and poking at anything that looks like food or happens to be shiny. (Duration: 60 minutes.)
  • When Crow is your current companion:
You toss the crow another stale cracker, and it caws in what you assume must be appreciation.
  • When you have a different companion:
You've already got a sidekick and don't need another one.

Sidekick/companion: Crow

Using multiple:
This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:
There seem to be a lot of birds around, and you really don't need a stale cracker, so you throw it on the ground in front of you. Shortly a large crow lands an gobbles up the cracker. Afterwards, it hangs around, cawing and poking at anything that looks like food or happens to be shiny. (Duration: some minutes.)
  • When Crow is your current companion:
You toss the crow more stale crackers, and it caws in what you assume must be appreciation.

plaid couch (extremely lumpy)
plaid couch
Item Sidekick Effect
gym membership card Boxing coach Delevels foes
mismatched earring Free dummy Damage absorption
old coin Smart-aleck kid Blocks foes
phone number Old friend +XP per fight
stale cracker Crow +20% item drop
Twilight Gold card Mafia informer +20% chips drop