Talk:Campus: Investigate a Retro Rave

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I added the "That Man's Father Is My Father's Son" adventure because according to its article, it appears in Campus: Investigate a Retro Rave. -- Naborr 12:27, 9 June 2008 (MST)

While spading this area I counted the following adventures:

  • cyber punk 712 .............(24.2% ± 1.6%)
  • overzealous dancer 770 .(26.2% ± 1.6%)
  • queen of bass 700 .........(23.8% ± 1.6%)
  • sketchy dealer 757 ........(25.8% ± 1.6%)
  • Noncombat 526

Which results in a combat chances of 84.8 ± 1.2%.
Might be worth mentioning I had the AA script always pick the 3rd option in the noncombat, since it didn't cost time.
Combat chances all seem to be within 1/4, the number for even chances. Patojonas 15:23, 16 August 2013 (PDT)