Talk:Satchel of independence

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Item description actually says how many days are stored in the satchel. For example, mine is currently: Filled with fireworks from three independence days.
I assume "bunch of" independence days means it's capped. --XKiv (talk) 10:26, 8 July 2014 (PDT)

Indicator messages for the satchel. Wasn't sure of the best way to add it to the actual entry though.
Fullness Indicators
Empty Was filled with fireworks
1 Day Filled with independence day fireworks
2 Days Filled with fireworks from independence today and independence yesterday
3 Days Filled with fireworks from three independence days
4 Days Filled with fireworks from four independence days
5 Days Filled with fireworks from a bunch of independence days
--Valmo (talk) 20:39, 11 July 2014 (PDT)