Fusion plasma coupler

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Item Number: 1362
Description ID: 9060205
(view in-game)


fusion plasma coupler
Plural: toasters'-worth of fusion plasma couplers
What ever you do, don't let somebody in your hideout with this item and the Blackstar Key. Since that key doesn't exist, I guess you can use this for all your plasma coupling needs.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 80

How Obtained

inner sanctum of the Unborn Base

When Used

Without all fusion octotron components in your inventory:

You take a look over all the fusion parts that you have collected, but you don't have anywhere near enough parts to build anything.

With all 30 parts in your inventory:

You sing along to yourself as you assemble the mass of fusion parts.

The fusion plasma coupler's connected to the fusion sprockets.
The fusion sprocket's connected to the fusion widgets.
The fusion widget's connected to the fusion circuit boards.
The fusion circuit board's connected to the fusion transistors.
The fusion transistor's connected to the fusion resistors.
The fusion resistor's connected to the fusion prosistors.
The fusion prosistor's connected to the fusion sisteristors.
The fusion sisteristor's connected to the fusion memristors.
The fusion memristor's connected to the fusion ROM boards.
The fusion ROM board's connected to the fusion power pack.
The fusion power pack's connected to the fusion laser amplifier.
The fusion laser amplifier's connected to the fusion reflecting crystals.
The fusion reflecting crystal's connected to the fusion sensor array.
The fusion sensor array's connected to the fusion diodes.
The fusion diode's connected to the fusion servos.
The fusion servo's connected to the fusion industrial lubricant.
The fusion industrial lubricant's connected to the fusion sheet metal.
The fusion sheet metal's connected to the fusion hunks of plastic.
The fusion hunks of plastic's connected to the fusion liquefied crystals.
The fusion liquefied crystal's connected to the fusion coolant unit.
The fusion coolant unit's connected to the fusion reticulated hoses.
The fusion reticulated hose's connected to the fusion laser bundle.
The fusion laser bundle's connected to the fusion CO2 unit.
The fusion CO2 unit's connected to the fusion Tesla coil.
The fusion Tesla coil's connected to the fusion ablative armor.
The fusion ablative armor's connected to the fusion combat arm.
The fusion combat arm's connected to the fusion support arm.
The fusion support arm's connected to the fusion rollers.
The fusion roller's connected to the fusion tracks.

And done! Man, that's a fun song. You should sing it again someday.

You got an item: mini fusion octotron Fusion-item.gif


  • The item and the plural refer to the video game Wasteland.
  • The song references "Dem Bones".