Talk:Iceberg Nine

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MGK (2013-12-07)
Breaking the Ice:Aewyre broke 17, Blackmatter615 broke 6, and Okarin broke 5.

One Ice:Okarin defeated 5, Aewyre defeated 1, and Blackmatter615 defeated 1.

Ice Ice:Okarin defeated 2 and Aewyre defeated 1.

The Iceberg Five:Okarin dealt 2 and Aewyre dealt 1.

Added ice cool jacket to your League Vault.
Added iceberg lettuce to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X3 Patojonas 15:38, 7 December 2013 (PST)

hoyifung02 (2013-12-07)
Breaking the Ice: 26
One Ice: 9
Ice Ice: 8
ice cool shades, ice cool hairgel, ice latte

hoyifung05 (2013-12-07)
Breaking the Ice: 25
One Ice: 21
Ice Ice: 2
ice cool galoshes, novelty ice cube tray, ice latte

hoyifung03 (2013-12-07)
Breaking the Ice: 25
One Ice: 5
Ice Ice: 10
ice cool shades, ice cool hairgel, ice latte

MGK (2013-12-08)
Breaking the Ice:Aewyre broke 13, Blackmatter615 broke 7, and Okarin broke 5.

One Ice:Aewyre defeated 3, Blackmatter615 defeated 3, and Okarin defeated 3.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

The Iceberg Five:Aewyre defeated 1 and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool shades to your League Vault.
Added ice cool galoshes to your League Vault.
Added iceberg lettuce to your League Vault.
Added ice cool hairgel to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X3

A lot more stuff this time around! Patojonas 09:06, 8 December 2013 (PST)

MGK (2013-12-09)
Breaking the Ice:Aewyre broke 11, Blackmatter615 broke 8, and Okarin broke 6.

One Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 2, Blackmatter615 defeated 2, and Okarin defeated 2.

The Iceberg Five:Aewyre defeated 1 and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool shades to your League Vault.
Added ice cool galoshes to your League Vault.
Added ice cool hairgel to your League Vault.X2
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X3

Not much of a difference in drops when fighting less low level spawns. Patojonas 06:00, 10 December 2013 (PST)

MGK (2013-12-10)
Aewyre broke 9, Okarin broke 9, and Blackmatter615 broke 7.

One Ice:Okarin defeated 8, Blackmatter615 defeated 6, and Aewyre defeated 5.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool galoshes to your League Vault.
Added novelty ice cube tray to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X3

Not beating any Iceberg Fives does make a big difference in drops. Tomorrow will check with beating just 1. Patojonas 06:00, 10 December 2013 (PST)

MGK (2013-12-11)
Aewyre broke 9, Okarin broke 9, and Blackmatter615 broke 7.

One Ice:Blackmatter615 defeated 2, Aewyre defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 3, Blackmatter615 defeated 3, and Okarin defeated 2.

The Iceberg Five:Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool galoshes to your League Vault.
Added ice cool hairgel to your League Vault.
Added novelty ice cube tray to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X3

Its seems 2 iceberg fives are better than 1. Will check with 3 berg fives tomorrow, hopefully my alts can handle it. Patojonas 06:13, 11 December 2013 (PST)

xKiv (2013-12-11)
Breaking the Ice: xKiv broke 25.

The Iceberg Five: xKiv defeated 5.

ice cool shades, iceberg lettuce, ice latte --XKiv (talk) 12:35, 11 December 2013 (PST)

Looks like going solo doesn't help with the drops either. Patojonas 12:44, 11 December 2013 (PST)

MGK (2013-12-12)
Breaking the Ice:Okarin broke 25.

The Iceberg Five:Aewyre defeated 2, Blackmatter615 defeated 2, and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool galoshes to your League Vault.
Added iceberg lettuce to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.

Going all berg 5 saves time but sucks concerning the number of drops.

MGK (2013-12-13)
Breaking the Ice:Blackmatter615 broke 6, Feathergod broke 6, Aewyre broke 5, Okarin broke 5, and Reigna broke 3.

One Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, Feathergod defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

The Iceberg Five:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool shades to your League Vault.
Added iceberg lettuce to your League Vault.X2
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X5

There's a few factors here that could explain why only 3 non latte drops.
More participants, not all participated in the killing of the spawns or maybe just too few weaker spawns.
So far 2 berg5 produced the best results. Will try a similar spawn distribution but with 5 people tomorrow. Patojonas 12:23, 13 December 2013 (PST)

MGK (2013-12-14)
Breaking the Ice:Reigna broke 7, Feathergod broke 6, Aewyre broke 5, Blackmatter615 broke 5, and Okarin broke 5.

One Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, Feathergod defeated 1, Okarin defeated 1, and Reigna defeated 1.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, Feathergod defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

The Iceberg Five:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool shades to your League Vault.
Added ice cool galoshes to your League Vault.
Added iceberg lettuce to your League Vault.
Added novelty ice cube tray to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X5

Looks like this is the optimal distribution for a 5 people league, concerning the number of drops.
If you check the math you'll see it totals 28 breaks, only possible by making the berg5's in the end. Also, Reigna and Feathergod are level 13 and 14 and managed all this, this villain is the best design for all players so far ;)
The shades and galoshes seem to be repeating themselves quite often, prolly not a coincidence. Patojonas 09:33, 14 December 2013 (PST)

Breaking the Ice: 25 Ice Ice: 10 The Iceberg Five: 1 ice cool galoshes, ice cool hairgel, ice latte

Iceberg Five created from damage (not breaking); added note below. --hoyifung04 (talk) 09:13, 15 December 2013 (PST)

MGK (2014-01-05)
Breaking the Ice:Reigna broke 7, Feathergod broke 6, Aewyre broke 5, Blackmatter615 broke 5, and Okarin broke 5.

One Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, Feathergod defeated 1, Okarin defeated 1, and Reigna defeated 1.

Ice Ice:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, Feathergod defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

The Iceberg Five:Aewyre defeated 1, Blackmatter615 defeated 1, and Okarin defeated 1.

Added ice cool shades to your League Vault.
Added ice cool jacket to your League Vault.
Added iceberg lettuce to your League Vault.
Added ice cool hairgel to your League Vault.
Added ice latte to your League Vault.X5

Exactly the same distribution as the previous reported by MGK. Drops aren't exactly the same which means that individual drops themselves aren't tied to specific kill distributions only the numbers of gear/usables are. So far it seems that whenever 2 gears drop the shades are always there. Please report if you found this not to be accurate. Patojonas 07:53, 5 January 2014 (PST)

MGK (2014-01-10), everything as the last report but usables were iceberg lettuceX2 Patojonas 05:23, 10 January 2014 (PST)

Breaking the Iceberg

First line seems related to damage dealt previously; first threshold seems to be ~1k damage. --hoyifung04 (talk) 15:45, 7 December 2013 (PST)

Frostbitten, Twice Shy

At the beginning of the fight if you already have the effect:

  • Formula seems to be ceiling{[0.05*(buff duration)]2}

After the combat messages for the turn(forgot to record the message itself):

  • Formula seems to be ceiling{[0.1*(buff duration)]2}

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Patojonas (talkcontribs) 06:13, 11 December 2013‎.

The pre-combat damage only counts the minutes you had before the turn started. The mid-combat message is

The chill seeps into your bones for X (ice) damage.

--hoyifung04 (talk) 15:24, 11 December 2013 (PST)

HP not infinite

Copied (and slightly edited to remove unnecessary parts) from chat:

[N] SeventhcrosS: The Iceberg 9 page on the wiki says he has infinite hp, it's wrong.
[N] SeventhcrosS: I beat him up without ever using the opening
[N] hoyifung04: Any of your Leaguemates break the ice?
[N] SeventhcrosS: Nope, I was the only one to battle him today.
[N] SeventhcrosS: SeventhcrosS broke 25 under Breaking the Ice
[N] SeventhcrosS: The Iceberg Five: SeventhcrosS defeated 5
[N] hoyifung04: How many drops?
[N] SeventhcrosS: only three drops, shades lettuce and latte

Seventh also implied he fought the Iceberg Fives. --hoyifung04 (talk) 19:53, 11 December 2013 (PST)

Indeed, after some testing I tracked these:

  • A couple notes:
1st, max hp is either 112000 or 112500 and I missed some damage, easy to lost track with such big numbers. Should be easy to determine by exactly calculating the 1st threshold;
2nd, this is the optimal way of creating iceberg fives, since it doesn't add debuff time. Highly recommended if you can endure such a long fight. Patojonas 18:47, 12 December 2013 (PST)
  • The 0 length debuff is supposed to be 50 minutes. Should be working now. Sorry about that. -Kinak (talk)
What a pity, it was so nice! :P Anyway, today a titanic chunck broke off at ~20220 damage, which means I must have screwed up was a bit late :/
This puts the total hp at 100000, a nicer number. Again, should check again tomorrow just in case. Patojonas 12:23, 13 December 2013 (PST)

A break happened at 20015 damage (15 of which was fumble damage), after which the opening was removed. Dealing 20k damage seems to be the same as causing a 5-break (so HP is only effectively 100k). --hoyifung04 (talk) 09:13, 15 December 2013 (PST)