Talk:Surfing for Lulz

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YouCats - Youtube
LOLFace - Facebook?
MyHoo - MySpace?
Zillow -
Kingdom of Loathing - KOL
Soul Raver - --Zillow--

At the start of combat with non-scaling foes:

Combat! You know that a fight is about to start, but you've just found this hilaroious collection of video clips, and it's hard to pull yourself away. Sure, it's a distraction, but you figure you can fight and watch at the same time. You wouldn't be much of a superhero if you couldn't concentrate on two things at once, right?

You are fighting a tcho-tcho.

Since +ML doesn't effect scalers, I'm guessing this is the Foe Toughness result, and as you can see, it appears before everything else, like the Technicolor triggers do. Cristiona


Is the +ML fixed? I've been running this today, at low levels(2-5) I think, and it doesn't seem to really work. +20 ML(electronic computer)should mean at least +10 XP, but I've had fights where I got LESS than 10 exp. Maybe it actually scales to your current level and +20 is just the max? Edivad 12:08, 3 October 2010 (PDT)

Fighting at the campus protest, running this on an electronic computer, I get EXACTLY 2 experience more than the wiki says I should get. And I'm level 4. So maybe now it's +ML=character level(with a cap, and at least with an electronic computer)? Edivad 08:31, 7 October 2010 (PDT)

This should not be that hard to spade. Just register the XP bonus per level and you can verify it in one run. --Muhandes 11:53, 7 October 2010 (PDT)