Talk:Triassic Park and Bestiary

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I missed the lump of carmot while wearing +13% item drop modifiers (isotope meter & sticky gloves)... if all works as advertised, that is impossible for a >=90% drop rate on carmot (90x113>100). I suppose that item drops might cap at <100% (eg 95%), but that would mess up the ultra-rares. --Tycho Everett 23:59, 17 July 2008 (MST)

I haven't come up with precise numbers, but when Squirrel Girl was farming for Reptile Tiles, she had four units of +combat running and she never had either of the non-combats. Not sure if +/- combat works like item drop does, but it seems the combat rate here is at least 80%. Cristiona

I have all four +noncombat and get combats roughly half of the time. --PKProStudio 13:02, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

Slowly spading the combat rate. Current data: (83.3% ± 4.8%) Edivad 07:31, 19 December 2010 (PST)

Out of 9862 adventures, excluding villains, I got 8397 combats and 1465 noncombats:

catoblepas 914 (10.9% ± 0.7%)
coelophysis 940 (11.2% ± 0.7%)
dimetrodon 931 (11.1% ± 0.7%)
estemmenosuchus 888 (10.6% ± 0.7%)
femticore 979 (11.7% ± 0.7%)
flock of harpies 938 (11.2% ± 0.7%)
gryphon 922 (11% ± 0.7%)
peteinosaurus 895 (10.7% ± 0.7%)
upgraded no-frills lizard 990 (11.8% ± 0.7%)

Two Paths Diverged in a Prehistoric Wood 708

sphinx 706
A Horse of a Different Feather 2

Who Are You Calling Vile? 757

Even chances among combats would be 100/9=11.1(1), which they all verify. Combat chance appears to be (85.1% ± 0.7%)%. I always get the impression there are less noncombats during Pegasus time, but I guess its just me paying more attention during that part since my data spit out a very nice number like 85%, should be easy to verify, I'll put it up just in case.

Also, regarding the red tooth removed from femticore and peteinosaurus, just notice that now there are an even number of sources for both claw and tooth, guess the wiki really was wrong. Patojonas 11:25, 18 May 2013 (PDT)